Intel® Fortran Compiler 18.0 Developer Guide and Reference
QuickWin Function: Reads a single character input from the keyboard and returns the ASCII value of that character without any buffering.
result = INCHARQQ( )
The result type is INTEGER(2). The result is the ASCII key code.
The keystroke is read from the child window that currently has the focus. You must call INCHARQQ before the keystroke is made (INCHARQQ does not read the keyboard buffer). This function does not echo its input. For function keys, INCHARQQ returns 0xE0 as the upper 8 bits, and the ASCII code as the lower 8 bits.
For direction keys, INCHARQQ returns 0xF0 as the upper 8 bits, and the ASCII code as the lower 8 bits. To allow direction keys to be read, you must use the PASSDIRKEYSQQ function. The escape characters (the upper 8 bits) are different from those of GETCHARQQ. Note that console applications do not need, and cannot use PASSDIRKEYSQQ.
integer*4 res
integer*2 exchar
character*1 ch, ch1
Print *,"Type X to exit, S to scroll, D to pass Direction keys"
123 continue
exchar = incharqq()
! check for escapes
! 0xE0 0x?? is a function key
! 0xF0 0x?? is a direction key
ch = char(rshift(exchar,8) .and. Z'00FF')
ch1= char(exchar .and. Z'00FF')
if (ichar(ch) .eq. 224) then
print *,"function key = ",ichar(ch), " ",ichar(ch1)," ",ch1
goto 123
if (ichar(ch) .eq. 240) then
print *,"direction key = ",ichar(ch), " ",ichar(ch1)," ",ch1
goto 123
print *,"other key = ",ichar(ch)," ",ichar(ch1)," ",ch1
if(ch1 .eq. 'S') then
res = passdirkeysqq(.false.)
print *, "Entering Scroll mode"
if(ch1 .eq. 'D') then
res = passdirkeysqq(.true.)
print *, "Entering Direction keys mode"
if(ch1 .ne. 'X') go to 123