Intel® Fortran Compiler 18.0 Developer Guide and Reference

Declarations for Character Types

A CHARACTER type specifier can be immediately followed by the length of the character object or function. It takes one of the following forms:

Keyword Forms


CHARACTER [([LEN=]len [, [KIND=]n])]

CHARACTER [(KIND=n [, LEN=len])]

Nonkeyword Form



Is a length type parameter. It can have one of the following values:

  • A scalar integer expression

  • *

  • :

The following rules also apply:

  • In keyword forms

    The len is a specification expression, an asterisk (*), or a colon (:). If no length is specified, the default length is 1.

    If the length evaluates to a negative value, the length of the character entity is zero.

  • In nonkeyword form

    The len is a specification expression or an asterisk enclosed in parentheses, or a scalar integer literal constant (with no kind parameter). The comma is permitted only if no double colon (::) appears in the type declaration statement.

    This form can also (optionally) be specified following the name of the data object or function (v*len). In this case, the length specified overrides any length following the CHARACTER type specifier.

The largest valid value for len in both forms is 2**31-1 on IA-32 architecture; 2**63-1 on Intel® 64 architecture. Negative values are treated as zero.


Is a scalar integer constant expression specifying a valid kind parameter. Currently the only kind available is 1.


An automatic object can appear in a character declaration. The object cannot be a dummy argument, and its length must be declared with a specification expression that is not a constant expression.

The length specified for a character-valued statement function or statement function dummy argument of type character must be an integer constant expression.

When an asterisk length specification *(*) is used for a function name or dummy argument, it assumes the length of the corresponding function reference or actual argument. Similarly, when an asterisk length specification is used for a named constant, the name assumes the length of the actual constant it represents. For example, STRING assumes a 9-byte length in the following statements:


A function name must not be declared with a * length unless it is of type CHARACTER and is the name of the result of an external function or the name of a dummy function.

A function name declared with a * length must not be an array, a pointer, recursive, elemental, or pure.

If the CHARACTER type declaration statement specifies a colon (:) length, the length type parameter is a deferred type parameter. An entity or component with a deferred type parameter must specify the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute. A deferred type parameter is a length type parameter whose value can change during execution of the program.

The nonkeyword form is considered obsolescent in the Fortran standard.


In the following example, the character string last_name is given a length of 20:

  CHARACTER (LEN=20) last_name 

In the following example, stri is given a length of 12, while the other two variables retain a length of 8.

  CHARACTER *8 strg, strh, stri*12 

In the following example, a dummy argument strh will assume the length of the associated actual argument, while the other two variables retain a length of 8:

  CHARACTER *8 strg, strh(*), stri 

The following examples show ways to specify strings of known length:

  CHARACTER*32 string1
  CHARACTER string2*32

The following examples show ways to specify strings of unknown length:

  CHARACTER string3*(*)
  CHARACTER*(*) string4

The following example declares an array NAMES containing 100 32-character elements, an array SOCSEC containing 100 9-character elements, and a variable NAMETY that is 10 characters long and has an initial value of 'ABCDEFGHIJ'.


The following example includes a CHARACTER statement declaring two 8-character variables, LAST and FIRST.


The following example shows a CHARACTER statement declaring an array LETTER containing 26 one-character elements. It also declares a dummy argument BUBBLE that has a passed length defined by the calling program.


In the following example, NAME2 is an automatic object:


The following example shows the handling of a deferred-length CHARACTER variables:

namea = 'XYZ'                   ! Allocates namea as length 3 with value 'XYZ'
ALLOCATE (CHARACTER(10)::namea) ! Allocates namea as length 10, no value
namea = 'ABCDEF'                ! Reallocates namea to length 6 with value 'ABCDEF'

See Also