インテル® Fortran コンパイラー 19.0 デベロッパー・ガイドおよびリファレンス


Intrinsic Subroutine (Generic): Queries the event count of an event variable.


CALL EVENT_QUERY (event, count [, stat])


(Input) Must be an event variable of type EVENT_TYPE, and must not be coindexed. The event variable is accessed atomically with respect to the execution of EVENT POST statements in unordered segments, in exact analogy to atomic subroutines.


(Output) Must be an integer scalar with a decimal range no smaller than that of default integer. If no error condition occurs, count is assigned the value of the count of event, otherwise it is assigned the value -1.


(Output; optional) Must be an integer scalar with a decimal exponent range of at least four. It must not be coindexed. If the stat argument is present, it is assigned a processor-dependent positive value if an error condition occurs, or zero if no error occurs. If an error occurs and stat is not present, error termination is initiated.


Consider the following example:


If there have been six successful posts to EVENT, and 3 successful waits that did not specify UNTIL_COUNT= in the preceding segments, the variable COUNT will have the value 3. If there have been no successful posts or waits in the preceding segments, COUNT will have the value 0.

See Also