インテル® Fortran コンパイラー 19.0 デベロッパー・ガイドおよびリファレンス


Graphics Function: Returns the current graphics line style.



result = GETLINESTYLE( )


The result type is INTEGER(2). The result is the current line style.

GETLINESTYLE retrieves the mask (line style) used for line drawing. The mask is a 16-bit number, where each bit represents a pixel in the line being drawn.

If a bit is 1, the corresponding pixel is colored according to the current graphics color and logical write mode; if a bit is 0, the corresponding pixel is left unchanged. The mask is repeated for the entire length of the line. The default mask is Z'FFFF' (a solid line). A dashed line can be represented by Z'FF00' (long dashes) or Z'F0F0' (short dashes).

The line style is set with SETLINESTYLE. The current graphics color is set with SETCOLORRGB or SETCOLOR. SETWRITEMODE affects how the line is displayed.

The line style retrieved by GETLINESTYLE affects the drawing of straight lines as in LINETO, POLYGON and RECTANGLE, but not the drawing of curved lines as in ARC, ELLIPSE or PIE.


!  Build as Graphics
     INTEGER(2) lstyle
     lstyle = GETLINESTYLE()
     WRITE (*, 100) lstyle, lstyle
100  FORMAT (1X, 'Line mask in Hex ', Z4, ' and binary ', B16)

See Also