インテル® Fortran コンパイラー 19.0 デベロッパー・ガイドおよびリファレンス


QuickWin Function: Changes a menu item's callback routine.



result = MODIFYMENUROUTINEQQ (menuIdD,itemID,routine)


(Input) INTEGER(4). Identifies the menu that contains the item whose callback routine is be changed, starting with 1 as the leftmost menu.


(Input) INTEGER(4). Identifies the menu item whose callback routine is to be changed, starting with 0 as the top item.


(Input) EXTERNAL. Callback subroutine called if the menu item is selected. All routines take a single LOGICAL parameter that indicates whether the menu item is checked or not. You can assign the following predefined routines to menus:

  • WINPRINT - Prints the program.

  • WINSAVE - Saves the program.

  • WINEXIT - Terminates the program.

  • WINSELECTTEXT - Selects text from the current window.

  • WINSELECTGRAPHICS - Selects graphics from the current window.

  • WINSELECTALL - Selects the entire contents of the current window.

  • WININPUT - Brings to the top the child window requesting input and makes it the current window.

  • WINCOPY - Copies the selected text and/or graphics from the current window to the Clipboard.

  • WINPASTE - Allows the user to paste Clipboard contents (text only) to the current text window of the active window during a READ.

  • WINCLEARPASTE - Clears the paste buffer.

  • WINSIZETOFIT - Sizes output to fit window.

  • WINFULLSCREEN - Displays output in full screen.

  • WINSTATE - Toggles between pause and resume states of text output.

  • WINCASCADE - Cascades active windows.

  • WINTILE - Tiles active windows.

  • WINARRANGE - Arranges icons.

  • WINSTATUS - Enables a status bar.

  • WININDEX - Displays the index for QuickWin help.

  • WINUSING - Displays information on how to use Help.

  • WINABOUT - Displays information about the current QuickWin application.

  • NUL - No callback routine.


The result type is LOGICAL(4). The result is .TRUE. if successful; otherwise, .FALSE..

See Also