インテル® Fortran コンパイラー 19.0 デベロッパー・ガイドおよびリファレンス


Statement: Declares a record structure as an entity with a name.

RECORD /structure-name/record-namelist [, /structure-name/record-namelist]...


Is the name of a previously declared structure.


Is a list of one or more variable names, array names, or array specifications, separated by commas. All of the records named in this list have the same structure and are allocated separately in memory.

You can use record names in COMMON and DIMENSION statements, but not in DATA or NAMELIST statements.

Records initially have undefined values unless you have defined their values in structure declarations.

STRUCTURE and RECORD constructs have been replaced by derived types, which should be used in writing new code. See Derived Data Types.


 STRUCTURE /address/
   LOGICAL*2    house_or_apt
   INTEGER*2    apt
   INTEGER*2    housenumber
   CHARACTER*30 street
   CHARACTER*20 city
   CHARACTER*2  state
   INTEGER*4    zip

 RECORD /address/ mailing_addr(20), shipping_addr(20)

The following shows another example:

RECORD /T1/ a, b, /T2/ c, /T3/ d, e, f

See Also