インテル® Fortran コンパイラー 19.0 デベロッパー・ガイドおよびリファレンス


Elemental and Transformational Intrinsic Functions (Generic): Compute Bessel functions of the first kind.

Elemental function: result = BESSEL_JN (n, x)

Transformational function: result = BESSEL_JN (n1, n2, x)

n, n1, n2

(Input) Must be of type integer and nonnegative.


(Input) Must be of type real.


The result type and kind are the same as x.

The result of BESSEL_JN (n, x) is scalar. The result value of BESSEL_JN (n , x) is a processor-dependent approximation to the Bessel function of the first kind and order n of x.

The result of BESSEL_JN (n1, n2, x) is a rank-one array with extent MAX (n2 - n1 + 1, 0). Element i of the result value of BESSEL_JN (n1, n2, x) is a processor-dependent approximation to the Bessel function of the first kind and order n1 + i - 1 of x.


BESSEL_JN (2, 1.0) has the approximate value 0.115.

Consider the following program Bessel.90:

   real :: z (6) = [0:5]/5.		  ! 0.0 through 1.0 by 0.2
   print *, z
   print *, bessel_jn (2, 1.0)	  ! scalar argument, answer about 0.115
   print *, bessel_jn (1, z)		  ! elemental
   print *, bessel_jn (1, 4, 1.0)  ! orders 1 thru 4 on a scalar

Compile bessel.f90 and execute the result:

> ifort Bessel.f90 -o Bessel
> bessel

The above commands produce the following result:

  0.0000000E+00  0.2000000      0.4000000      0.6000000      0.8000000      1.000000
  0.0000000E+00  9.9500835E-02  0.1960266      0.2867010      0.3688421      0.4400506
  0.4400506      0.1149035      1.9563355E-02  2.4766389E-03