インテル® Fortran コンパイラー 19.0 デベロッパー・ガイドおよびリファレンス

Overview of Portability Routines

This section summarizes portability routines.

Information Retrieval Routines

Information retrieval routines return information about system commands, command-line arguments, environment variables, and process or user information.

Group, user, and process ID are INTEGER(4) variables. Login name and host name are character variables. The functions GETGID and GETUID are provided for portability, but always return 1.

Process Control Routines

Process control routines control the operation of a process or subprocess. You can wait for a subprocess to complete with either SLEEP or ALARM, monitor its progress and send signals via KILL, and stop its execution with ABORT.

In spite of its name, KILL does not necessarily stop execution of a program. Rather, the routine signaled could include a handler routine that examines the signal and takes appropriate action depending on the code passed.

Note that when you use SYSTEM, commands are run in a separate shell. Defaults set with the SYSTEM function, such as current working directory or environment variables, do not affect the environment the calling program runs in.

The portability library does not include the FORK routine. On Linux* and macOS* systems, FORK creates a duplicate image of the parent process. Child and parent processes each have their own copies of resources, and become independent from one another.

On Windows* systems, you can create a child process (called a thread), but both parent and child processes share the same address space and share system resources. If you need to create another process, use the CreateProcessWindows API routine.

Numeric Values and Conversion Routines

Numeric values and conversion routines are available for calculating Bessel functions, data type conversion, and generating random numbers. Some of these functions have equivalents in Standard Fortran, in which case the standard Fortran routines should be used.

Data object conversion can be accomplished by using the INT intrinsic function instead of LONG or SHORT. The intrinsic subroutines RANDOM_NUMBER and RANDOM_SEED perform the same functions as the random number functions listed in the table showing numeric values and conversion routines.

Other bit manipulation functions such as AND, XOR, OR, LSHIFT, and RSHIFT are intrinsic functions. You do not need the IFPORT module to access them. Standard Fortran includes many bit operation routines, which are listed in the Bit Operation and Representation Routines table.

Input and Output Routines

The portability library contains routines that change file properties, read and write characters and buffers, and change the offset position in a file. These input and output routines can be used with standard Fortran input or output statements such as READ or WRITE on the same files, provided that you take into account the following:

I/O errors arising from the use of these routines result in an Intel® Fortran run-time error.

Some portability file I/O routines have equivalents in Standard Fortran. For example, you could use the ACCESS function to check a file specified by name for accessibility according to mode. It tests a file for read, write, or execute permission, as well as checking to see if the file exists. It works on the file attributes as they exist on disk, not as a program's OPEN statement specifies them.

Instead of ACCESS, you can use the INQUIRE statement with the ACTION specifier to check for similar information. (The ACCESS function always returns 0 for read permission on FAT files, meaning that all files have read permission.)

Date and Time Routines

Various date and time routines are available to determine system time, or convert it to local time, Greenwich Mean Time, arrays of date and time elements, or an ASCII character string.

DATE and TIME are available as either a function or subroutine. Because of the name duplication, if your programs do not include the USE IFPORT statement, each separately compiled program unit can use only one of these versions. For example, if a program calls the subroutine TIME once, it cannot also use TIME as a function.

Standard Fortran includes date and time intrinsic subroutines. For more information, see DATE_AND_TIME.

Error Handling Routines

Error handling routines detect and report errors.

IERRNO error codes are analogous to errno on Linux* and macOS* systems. The IFPORT module provides parameter definitions for many of UNIX's errno names, found typically in errno.h on UNIX systems.

IERRNO is updated only when an error occurs. For example, if a call to the GETC function results in an error, but two subsequent calls to PUTC succeed, a call to IERRNO returns the error for the GETC call. Examine IERRNO immediately after returning from one of the portability library routines. Other Standard Fortran routines might also change the value to an undefined value.

If your application uses multithreading, remember that IERRNO is set on a per-thread basis.

System, Drive, or Directory Control and Inquiry Routines

You can retrieve information about devices, directories, and files with the functions listed below. File names can be long file names or UNC file names. A forward slash in a path name is treated as a backslash. All path names can contain drive specifications.

Standard Fortran provides the INQUIRE statement, which returns detailed file information either by file name or unit number. Use INQUIRE as an equivalent to FSTAT, LSTAT, or STAT. LSTAT and STAT return the same information; STAT is the preferred function.

Serial Port Routines (Windows* only)

The serial port I/O (SPORT_xxx) routines help you perform basic input and output to serial ports. These routines are available only on systems using IA-32 architecture.

Additional Routines

You can also use portability routines for program call and control, keyboards and speakers, file management, arrays, floating-point inquiry and control, IEEE* functionality, and other miscellaneous uses.


On Windows* systems, all portability routines that take path names also accept long file names or UNC (Universal Naming Convention) file names. A forward slash in a path name is treated as a backslash. All path names can contain drive specifications as well as MBCS (multiple-byte character set) characters.

See Also