インテル® Fortran コンパイラー 19.0 デベロッパー・ガイドおよびリファレンス


QuickWin Function: Determines which window has the focus.



result = INQFOCUSQQ (unit)


(Output) INTEGER(4). Unit number of the window that has the I/O focus.


The result type is INTEGER(4). The result is zero if successful; otherwise, nonzero. The function fails if the window with the focus is associated with a closed unit.

Unit numbers 0, 5, and 6 refer to the default window only if the program has not specifically opened them. If these units have been opened and connected to windows, they are automatically reconnected to the console once they are closed.

The window with focus is always in the foreground. Note that the window with the focus is not necessarily the active window (the one that receives graphical output). A window can be made active without getting the focus by calling SETACTIVEQQ.

A window has focus when it is given the focus by FOCUSQQ, when it is selected by a mouse click, or when an I/O operation other than a graphics operation is performed on it, unless the window was opened with IOFOCUS=.FALSE.. The IOFOCUS specifier determines whether a window receives focus when an I/O statement is executed on that unit. For example:


By default IOFOCUS=.TRUE., except for child windows opened with as unit *. If IOFOCUS=.TRUE., the child window receives focus prior to each READ, WRITE, PRINT, or OUTTEXT. Calls to graphics functions (such as OUTGTEXT and ARC) do not cause the focus to shift.

See Also