インテル® Fortran コンパイラー 19.0 デベロッパー・ガイドおよびリファレンス


QuickWin Function: Makes a child window active, but does not give it focus.



result = SETACTIVEQQ (unit)


(Input) INTEGER(4). Unit number of the child window to be made active.


The result type is INTEGER(4). The result is 1 if successful; otherwise, 0.

When a window is made active, it receives graphics output (from ARC, LINETO and OUTGTEXT, for example) but is not brought to the foreground and does not have the focus. If a window needs to be brought to the foreground, it must be given the focus. A window is given focus with FOCUSQQ, by clicking it with the mouse, or by performing I/O other than graphics on it, unless the window was opened with IOFOCUS='.FALSE.'. By default, IOFOCUS='.TRUE.', except for child windows opened as unit '*'.

The window that has the focus is always on top, and all other windows have their title bars grayed out. A window can have the focus and yet not be active and not have graphics output directed to it. Graphical output is independent of focus.

If IOFOCUS='.TRUE.', the child window receives focus prior to each READ, WRITE, PRINT, or OUTTEXT. Calls to graphics functions (such as OUTGTEXT and ARC) do not cause the focus to shift.

See Also